Megan Evetts
Paradise Lost

Book Covers

Un-commissioned | New Talent

Why did you make this work:
This was a self-directed piece for my undergraduate Illustration degree. I have always been inspired by the beauty of Milton's poetry and I wanted to create a book cover that pays homage to the intensity and drama of Paradise Lost whilst being appealing for the modern audience.

How was the illustration used:
A book cover.

How did you make this work:
This piece was made using the soot created by holding a Zippo lighter and a stencil under a piece of paper. The image was then coloured in Photoshop.

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Falmouth University
BA (Hons) Illustration
Year of Graduation:

Currently Based:

Megan is a BA Illustration student currently completing her final year at Falmouth University. She works in character design, children’s picture books, concept art, book covers & internal illustrations and record covers. She works with both traditional and digital mediums, and is about to begin her Masters degree in Game Art.Aside from art, Megan’s passions include reading, hiking the coast path and cuddling her dog Dougan. Her love of the natural world infuses her illustrations. She hopes that her art brings a little more joy into the world.
