B. Mure
The Tower In The Sea

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
This was the third in a series of fantasy graphic novels as contracted with Avery Hill Publishing.

How was the illustration used:
Graphic novel

How did you make this work:
all pages are hand sketched, inked on a lightbox and lettered/coloured in watercolour on top of the inks.

Commissioner Company :
Avery Hill Publishing

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Currently Based:

Having studied illustration in Bristol, B. Mure moved back to his home of Nottingham a few years ago. He is primarily a narrative based illustrator as well as an arts educator, providing comics workshops for teenagers and has a keen interest in social issues and dystopias. He has also worked doing live illustrative note taking for the Horniman Museum, Google and other large scale clients with Scriberia.
