Melanie Gandyra
Hortus Domus

Un-commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
With this book project I tried to create a journey through house gardens from around the world. I made research for 8 countries and realized one in a final version.

How was the illustration used:

How did you make this work:
This extract from my book project Horus Domus shows four infographics about typical plants from Thailand, which are used in the daily life. The big garden illustration is the entrance in a tropical journey through leafs, flowers and garden gates. The illustrations are drawn analog with colored pencils and were arranged digital. The beginning of this work was a travel sketchbook.

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Melanie Gandyra was born 1991 and is an illustrator based in Hamburg. She gratuated in Illustration at the University of Applied Sciences. Next to her editorial work for clients such as Die Zeit, Arte, Google, etc. her strength are implicitely informative illustration and infographics. For mural art she and a colleague established the collective Helium Bricks, which is also part of the Millerntor Gallery artist team. Melanies drawings always start with colored pencils in a muted palette. Unimportant facts will be left out, important ones will be highlighted. She always has a little disruption in the perspective and rarely use shadows. The white space, structures and well arranged shapes are the base of her work.

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