Charlotte Milner
The Bee Book

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
The Bee Book began as a university project when I was asked to present an idea for a children's book. I was interested in the environmental importance of bees and wanted to present this conservation topic to young readers in a way that was clear and playful. I therefore developed a brief: to create a children's non-fiction book that raises awareness on the importance of bees and their decline.

How was the illustration used:
Children's Book published Feb 2018

How did you make this work:
The project required large amounts of research on the subject which included reading books on bees, talking to experts and joining a beekeeping group. The illustration needed to display this information about the world of bees in a way that was as visual and clear as possible. I chose a yellowy, honey colour palette and developed a soft drawing style to suit a young audience.

Commissioner Name :
Mary Ling- Publisher
Commissioner Company :
Darling Kindersley

Social Media:

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