Hanane Kai
Children in our World

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
Sometimes kids hear words that are hard to understand. Refugees crisis, hate crimes, global conflict. I was asked to illustrate a series of 4 school books, that helps children make sense of the larger issues and crises. In contrast to the harsh imagery associated with these subjects, the illustrations had to be appropriate for the audience, while being non-demeaning to the reality of the situation

How was the illustration used:
The images where used on all 4 books of the series.

How did you make this work:
To complement the aim of the books, faces are left uncolored. This reinforces the idea that no matter our ethnic belonging, we are all equal. For more impact, I illustrated on each cover a quarter of a globe. When the covers are arranged together, they form a complete globe. This creates a visual parallel to the name of this series. It also depicts the vicious cycle of war with no start and no

Commissioner Company :
Hachette Schools (Wayland)

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