Ludi Leiva
As above, so below

A personal study of otherworldly experiences in nature


Un-commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
This was the first illustration I created using Adobe Fresco. I wanted to digitally explore new forms of expression and brushwork developed in my painting practice. Inspired by the philosophical concept "as above, so below" referring to the union between celestial and terrestrial realms, this illustration explores a magical experience I had in the Swedish countryside in the summer.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
Adobe Fresco

How were your illustrations used:
This was a personal, editorial-style illustration made for my own artistic exploration and development.

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Currently Based:

Ludi Leiva is a visual artist and illustrator with roots in Guatemala and Slovakia. Her work blends analog and digital techniques, featuring expansive human forms, dreamlike elements, and delicate linework. Exploring memory, identity, and spirituality, Ludi creates contemplative compositions that evoke warmth and nostalgia. Her previous clients include Apple TV+, LA Times, Vogue, and The Guardian.
