Hanyue Song
Still Life


Un-commissioned | New Talent

Why did you make this work:
Lockdown blues turned to vibrant hues in my still lifes, celebrating delight amidst adversity. Nostalgic and resilient, these pieces aim to envelop viewers in warmth, reminding them of nature's beauty and the power of a positive outlook in tough times.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
Utilizing Procreate, my series harnesses simple shapes and vivid colors, opting for layer overlay modes to amplify chromatic diversity in everyday still lifes. With a dash of whimsy and retro charm, they beckon viewers into a relaxed, sketch-like world that’s both nostalgic and playfully interactive.

How were your illustrations used:
My decor illustrations, exploring a fresh color style, adorned various interiors. They were used in home decor magazines, art prints, and as joyful, colorful accents in living spaces, bringing new life and a unique aesthetic to everyday environments.

Social Media:
instagram.com/hanyue.song; hanyue.fun

Personal Website:

Currently Based:
United States of America (USA)

Hanyue is a visual designer based in San Francisco Bay Area. Passionate about storytelling, she weaves delightful visual experiences that resonate deeply with audiences. Her journey now ventures beyond design, as she explores the art of illustration to express the nuances of human feelings.
