Luca Furniss
Ghost in the Shell

Animated, alternative film poster


Un-commissioned | New Talent

Why did you make this work:
The work was created for a university project brief, where students were tasked with creating alternative posters for films that had comics / manga origins. Luca chose Ghost in the Shell, as it aligned with his ongoing fascination with Japanese culture and media, and gave him an opportunity to push his 3D modelling and motion skills.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
After being planned on paper, the poster was built in Nomad Sculpt, refined in Blender, and finalised in Adobe After Effects.

How were your illustrations used:
This poster was exhibited as part of a wider Sheffield Hallam University conference, celebrating comics and graphic novels as 'Origin Stories'.

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Sheffield Hallam University

Currently Based:
United Kingdom (UK)

Luca is an Illustration student from the UK who's passionate about art in all its forms. From digital illustration to exploring 3D software like Blender, Luca loves creating visually striking art. Studying hard in the UK, he is determined to refine his skills and make his mark in the creative world.
