Royal Mail celebrates science fiction classics with six new illustrated stamps

Royal Mail reveals new original illustrated stamps, issued to celebrate six classic science fiction novels by British writers. AOI Members Matt Murphy and Sarah Jones are amongst the selected Illustrators, interpreting the work of Arthur C. Clark and Doris Lessing respectively.

The specially commissioned illustrations feature striking interpretations of the classics and depict key moments in the evolution of the genre. From the beginning, Britain has been at the forefront of science fiction writing, and the writers whose work is featured on these stamps are household names the world over.

The classic novels and illustrators featured in the set are: 

–        Frankenstein by Mary Shelley: illustration by Sabina Šinko 

–        The Time Machine by HG Wells: illustration by Francisco Rodríguez 

–        Brave New World by Aldous Huxley: illustration by Thomas Danthony

–        The Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham: illustration by Mick Brownfield

–        Childhood’s End by Arthur C Clarke: illustration by Matt Murphy

–        Shikasta by Doris Lessing: illustration by Sarah Jones

Matt Murphy expands:

“When I was contacted by Webb and Webb via my agents Handsome Frank to produce one of the six stamps for the Sci-fi Author’s collection, I didn’t hesitate to accept. When I found out I’d been given Arthur C. Clarke’s Childhood’s End I was over the moon – I had read Childhood’s End as a teenager, but needed to re-acquaint myself with they key parts of the novel. The most important part for me was to create an illustration that was immediately identifiable with the text, like a still from a film that is instantly recognisable.

“I can’t remember having many jobs where I wasn’t asked to make some amends even if they were minor ones, but not this time – the final artwork was signed off first time (a rare acutance). In fact, the job went by so quickly that it all felt a little like a dream. Maybe it will feel real when I’m holding the stamp in my hand this Friday.”

Available for general sale from this 15 April 2021, the full set of six will be available in a Presentation Pack retailing at £11.10. The stamps and a range of collectible products are available now to pre-order.

14th April 2021

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