New Director at the BCC

The British Copyright Council is a not-for-profit organisation that provides an effective and authoritative voice for the copyright community. The AOI are proud members, and are delighted to be joining the education working group – more on that below.

The BCC is consulted by government departments, agencies and regulators on UK copyright legislation as well as the impact of legislative developments around the world. The BBC represents those who create, perform, hold interests in and manage copyright and related rights across the creative industries.

Rebecca Deegan has recently been appointed as the new Director of Policy and Public Affairs at the BCC, and we caught up (on Zoom, obvs) with her to find out more:

“I have been in post for two months and had an opportunity to meet with many of our members to hear about their priorities. 

I am acutely aware that the pandemic has hit sectors that our members represent particularly hard. That’s why my first priority has been championing the importance of copyright in protecting creators’ livelihoods.

Given my remit is policy and public affairs it is unlikely to be surprising that next on my agenda are the ongoing trade negotiations, with each FTA’s IP Chapters presenting different challenges and opportunities.

I have inadvertently carved out a niche career – representing member organisations to policymakers. I thoroughly enjoy working with members to represent their views, whether as a consensus or curating the nuance, and getting them as experts in front of decision makers to make sure their voices are heard.

The BCC evidently already has a solid reputation with the Government and we’re pushing at an open door, so my role is to elevate the BCC’s voice and ensure that all members are able to benefit from those engagements.

As we all start to emerge from lockdown, copyright will continue to be a key tool for creators, ensuring that they’re able to get back on their feet and that we as an industry contribute to the UK’s economic recovery; and of course that our creative and cultural heritage continues to thrive.”

We are looking forward to working with Rebecca on this important work, and one way we are doing that is by joining the Copyright Eduction and Awareness Working Group (or the catchily abbreviated: CEAWG).

Most recently CEAWG has launched the latest section of the UK Copyright Highway Code. These are great resources with two being of particular relevance to AOI members;

Copyright Basics and Information on Moral Rights.

We look forward to sharing more work both from the Education and Awareness group, and the wider BCC meetings in due course.

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