Joseph Binder Award 2018 – Colour and form are inseparable

This is the fourteenth Joseph Binder Award, organised by designaustria, an international competition with a focus on graphic design & illustration. Designers, illustrators, agencies and students from all over the world are invited to submit their works created between 2016 and now.
Joseph Binder was one of the founding fathers of designaustria. The Joseph Binder Award
was launched in 1996 to honour his legacy. This international showcase for graphic design & illustration is organised every other year in the form of a competition.
ILLUSTRATION entries can be:
01 Book IllustrationIllustrations for children’s books, ction, poetry, non­ ction, graphic novels, etc.02 Media Illustration

Illustrations for periodicals, newspapers, etc.

03 Commercial Illustration

Illustrations for advertising media, etc.

04 Illustration in
Miscellaneous Applications Illustrations for diverse communication media, animations, game design, storyboards, etc.

Early birds entering by 28 February 2018 will benefit from reduced fees.
The regular deadline for entries ends on 15 April 2018. JBA18_CallforEntries
Online registration & information:
The Joseph Binder Award 2018 on Facebook and Twitter

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