WIA2016 exhibition now open at UWSTD Swansea

For the fifth year, Swansea College of Art, UWTSD is delighted to host the most significant awards exhibition for Illustration in the UK. The World Illustration Awards 2016 brings together the finest collection of short-listed and award-winning work of professional and emerging artists from all around the world. The categories of the Awards are Advertising, Books, Children’s Books, Design, Editorial, Public Realm, Self-Initiated and Research & Knowledge Communication.

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To host an event of this magnitude, is to bring to Wales; to our students and staff, and to the public, a global perspective on illustration and to celebrate the diversity of style, content and medium of this multi-disciplinary art-form.
Entry to the World Illustration Awards Exhibition is free, and open from Friday 02 December to Friday 27 January (Closed 23 Dec – 03 Jan.)
Opening times are weekdays: 10.00 – 4.30, Saturdays: 10.00 – 4.00.

More can be found on the exhibition tab of the Awards.


image by Mark Borgions

6th December 2016

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