The impact of Brexit on the creative industries

The impact of Brexit on the creative industries, tourism and the Digital Single Market

The British Copyright Council (of which AOI is a member) have responded to a call for views from the Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee on the subject above. The summary of the BCC’s response is blow and the whole letter can be seen here.

‘The British Copyright Council welcomes the Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee’s inquiry into the impact of Brexit on the creative industries and the digital single market. The BCC’s remit covers matters relating to copyright and related rights so the focus of our response is on “What should happen in relation to Copyright after the

UK leaves the EU?”.

Onthe Digital Single Market we have responded to “How has UK membership of the EU helped to shape the Digital Single Market to date?”and“What are the fears and advantages arising from the UK being outside the developing single market?”.

We have also raised one or two trade related points which are not directly connected to copyright but which, during recent discussions on Brexit, our members identified as being of serious concern to them.

Executive Summary

• As a world leader in creativity, we are keen to ensure that the UK continues to provide an environment in which its creators and performers can continue to flourish, making the UK an attractive place in which right holders will wish to put their rights.

• We urge that the significance of intellectual property to the UK economy, and the creative industries in particular, continues to be recognised in the context of the trade negotiations ahead.

• The world leading example set by the UK in evolving copyright laws to reflect advances in digital technologies (on the back of its own experience of the 2014/2015 review) is used to promote good practice in the Digital Single Market.

• Stability for application of existing EU Regulations and transposition of EU Directives which form part of the copyright acquis must be maintained as part of the Great Repeal Bill.

• The value of the fair dealing doctrine for application of copyright exceptions and limitations (as opposed to fair use) must be seen as part of creating clarity and transparency for application of copyright rules both during and after BREXIT

3rd November 2016

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