Copycat Design – What to do if it happens to you

Tuesday 19th July, 6.30 – 9.30pm
Venue: Hotel Elephant, 5 Spare Street, Elephant and Castle, London, SE17 3EP

crafty fox talks

This month’s Crafty Fox Talk will cover a tricky and regularly requested topic: IP protection. Illustrator and AOI Member Alice Tams (Birds in Hats) has had her fair share of experience with the subject and will recount her experiences with businesses small and big thus far, sharing the many lessons she has learnt along the way. Lawyer Gavin Llewellyn (Senior Associate with Stone King and ACIDPartner), who represented Alice against Sainsbury’s throughout 2015, will be on hand to explain the legal intricacies of creative IP, when to act and what you can do to try and prevent it happening to you.

Square Tams Comparison shot

The talk is tomorrow and there are still tickets available for £12 (+ booking). More information here.

18th July 2016

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