Ed Cheverton

New Friends

What three words would you use to describe your work?

Joyful, Escapist, Fantastic.

Collage composition

What are the three obstacles that you find throughout your freelance working day and how do you make sure you get through these?

Burning out. Every so often, and usually after a long stint of intense working, I just burn out and need a break. Usually just one day of not going in the studio and reading or watching films refreshes me.

Warming up. This is something I’ve really noticed in the past 6 months or so; I have to spend at least an hour or so in my sketchbook just messing around to get both my brain and hand ready for project work. Every so often I forget and I really notice how much harder working can be.

Over-complicating. Sometimes with commercial project I do I hit a stage where I’ve over thought or conceptualized it and it’s so jumbled and confused I don’t know what I’m doing with it. It usually takes me a while to recognize it happening and when I do, I always take a step back and cut everything down to it’s bare minimum, and it’s always 100% better.


You take hands on approach to your practice, with collage being one of the mediums you use. What appeals to you about this way of working?

I think the immediacy and physicality of it appeals to me. Everything looses energy and life when it’s on the computer. Collage especially appeals to me due to its tactility; the combination of textures and layers you can create in a piece. I think this direct physical connection I can then have with my work let’s me put more of myself into it.

You regularly self publish comics and zines through your own collective label Jazz Dad Books. How have these personal projects influenced your commissioned work?

I tend to think of the zines and comics I publish through Jazz Dad as less reserved and more experimental than most of my commercial work. That liberating platform however lets me try things out and play with work that I can then start introducing into my more commercial side. Ultimately I’d like to see the two sides of my work meet in the middle over time.

Toys for WIRED UK

What’s next for you?

I have two joint upcoming exhibitions: one in September in Portugal with fellow artist João Sobral, and one in London later in the year with collage artist Nick White. My first children’s book Meet The Circus will be out in November from TATE Publishing, and I have more zines and comics in the works for Jazz Dad Books!

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