Joe Waldron

Shortlisted for the Prize for Illustration 2015 – London Places and Spaces.

Beer advocate, shortlisted entry for LTM Prize. 

In three words how would you describe your work?

I think my work is fun, angular and expressive.

Self Initiated Illustration for a collection of 1970s California.

Tell us a little about your process as an illustrator?

My process always starts in my sketchbook, where I usually start drawing thumbnails for my ideas with some annotations next to them. This will usually continue until I find an idea, or ideas, that I feel fits the brief and I’m happy with. Depending on whether the work is for myself or a client, I’ll either work the ideas up as a rough and send to the client, or begin drawing up the final components of the illustration in my sketchbook. While I work predominantly in Photoshop for my colours and textures, I find that creating the components in my sketchbook gives them a natural and individual feel that I think is very hard to replicate when working on the computer. So once I’m happy with composition and everything, I’ll start block colouring and texturing my illustrations until I’m happy with the final result. As someone who used to paint a lot during university and the early stages of my career, I feel that the tools that I learnt back then have highly influenced how I create my work now. With Photoshop, I feel happy to experiment more with colours, textures and compositions.

Illustration for Wired Germany.

You’re represented by the agency Jelly, what are the pros of having an agency?

Having an agency is brilliant and something that I would suggest all illustrators to look into. Of course, finding the right one can be very difficult and getting picked up by one can be even harder. Which is why I’m really lucky to be with Jelly, as I feel part of a family with them. They are equally invested in me as a person, as they are with my work. Whether it’s introducing my work to new clients, handling jobs for me or just giving me advice on where I should take my portfolio, they’re always there on the other end of the line and always willing to go the extra mile.

What’s your favorite subject to illustrate?

I love drawing people and expressing emotions with my illustrations, so whenever a project comes up I always try to have as much fun and be as emotive as possible.

Self initiated illustration for NBA finals of Lebron James

Your portfolio contains many editorial commissions, what are the first steps you take when commissioner approaches you?

This is usually the same for work that comes through myself or Jelly; When the job comes through and the client is interested in using me, we usually have a brief dialog where article, dimensions and budget are discussed. I’ll then receive the article, which can vary from a simple phrase to a paragraph to the whole document. I then start working on ideas and thumbnails for the brief. From there I’ll work up a collection of roughs and send them over to the client for review.

Illustration for Houstonia Magazine.

What makes a successful Illustration in your opinion?

I think there are many different components that make a successful illustration. For me, when creating new work, I try to concentrate on the concept/idea and how it fulfills the brief or makes you feel, as well as the aesthetic of the illustration in terms of composition and layout. I try to make the illustration as interesting as possible for the viewer.

14th August 2015

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