Rose Blake

Do you prefer to work quickly to create an image or take your time or a little of both?

 I like both really. I really like working on long personal projects, but I also enjoy the thrill of a fast turnaround commission.

 What challenges have you faced as an illustrator?

I find balancing freelance and personal work hard. I hate chasing invoices. And I never get weekends.

Animation play’s a part in your portfolio what does moving image add to your work?

I love working with moving image… I share a studio with mainly animators, so I’m always interested to see what they’re working on. For animation work I always work with Andy Baker, who is amazing. We’ve just finished working on an ident together which was really fun. I’d love to do more.

Tell us about a recent commission?

Umm… I just did quite a nice job for Tatler magazine. The art director, Jessica Rose was really up for integrating the illustrations into the copy in an interesting way, so it was really fun to work on… but we had about 2 days to turn around a double page spread full of illustrations so I worked long days on it!

You’ve been involved with Print Club London, what appeals to you about making screen-printed imagery?

I like the concept of really simplifying my work for print. Normally for commissioned work I work with quite a wide colour pallete, and use textures and it can get quite fiddly…with a print you always have to hold back a bit. Also, I like the idea of selling an affordable edition so that people can have nice art on their walls, and I always give the artists proofs to people as presents.

31st July 2015

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