
Illustration Personal Project – ‘Whatever’

As a collective, how do you balance the work you both do?

We are two friends that works in the name of one so we don’t split work. We just think together, choose together, draw, photoshop, paint, sew… We decided to work for Cachetejack that is the character that reflects our mix!

Who and what keeps you inspired?

 Everything! Daily life is enough if you are open to get experiences: friends, trips, books, music, films, new spontaneous people, odd characters (usually becomes friends)…

The important idea to get inspired, is being relaxed and being around things make you feel good… so thanks to the good vibes we are in the flow!

Illustration Personal Project – ‘I Mean’

Your work uses many different materials; do you think it’s important to experiment?

Experimenting is the most important cause you discover and learn other ways of communication. If you feel passion to get into new techniques they are gonna give you new results, and lots opportunities to improve!

Illustration Personal Project – ‘Stalker’

Workshops are a great way for you to interact with like-minded people, tell us more about your recent workshops?

Last one was a teenage girl workshop in Linz, Austria.

We were working on drawing fast exercises and collage… always its a bit weird to interacted with people at first sight, cause we are used to work just 2 people together… but once the workshop starts everything becomes easier than you expected!

Always you learn about how other people work!!

How do you maintain an ongoing stream of work?

We work everyday and we divide our work between: commissions, personal projects, internet platforms,self-publish, fairs, workshops… For us the most important thing is always being active, maybe due to our nervous personalities!!

Illustration Personal Project – ‘Procrastination’

What importance do you put on your personal body of work, and how does this influence your commissioned work?

This is always an important point in the illustrators life. After our experiences, we think the balance between commissions and personal projects has to be well-adjusted.

What’s next for you?

We’re right now in the illustration fair Pick me up at Somerset House Till the 4th of May. And we will be in Elcaf festival too in June. We are also working on some childrens books ideas that will be published by Apa Apa comics.

Illustration Personal Project – ‘Enjoy The Vision’ 

24th April 2015

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