Draw Paint Print like the Great Artists – Book Review

By Marion Deuchars

Published by Laurence King ISBN 9781780672816

Review by Sarah Gordon


The new release from AOI Patron, Marion Deuchars, ‘Draw Paint Print like the Great Artists’ follows on from her ‘Lets Make Great Art’ series. The book provides a playful and inspiring way to get creative, using various methods including painting, printing, collage and drawing. It seeks to engage the reader and encourage them to discover through experimentation, whilst simultaneously learning from eighteen established Artists of the past.


With its educational undertones, historical details, and instructive encouragements, this book would be perfect for any young reader, particularly those who aspire to create their own masterpiece one day. That said, ‘Let’s Make Great Art’, (Marion Deuchar’s first activity book) sits on my shelf alongside adult design books and novels. Why? Because for me part of the book’s appeal is simply it’s delightful design. The pages are packed with her signature hand lettering, splashes of colour and illustrated Artist portraits that also appear in Marion’s latest release. Although I haven’t put an ink stained hand or paint brush remotely near the original book, the complete aesthetic is a joy to any individual with a keen eye for design.


So whether you’re a creative child, a young aspiring Artist or just an adult who enjoys the aesthetically pleasing, this book is definitely one to get your hands on.


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