Varoom 24 – the Obsession issue

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Varoom’s Obsession issue – an issue about Obsessive practice, Obsessed with Neon, Obsessed with Ladybird, Obsessed with Outsider Artists who are Obsessed with One Thing or another – sometimes One Thing and another.


Writer Linda Scott observes that East End Outsider Artist Madge Gill would paint, knit and sew while in a delirious trance, whilst in possession of her spirit guide Myrninterest. Don’t try this at home kids. While Barcelona illustrator Mr Mourao says in our feature, We’re Lost In Pictures, “The main goal is to draw as much detail as possible so that the viewer gets sucked in and gets lost in the drawing.”

Varoom 24. Get Lost.

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Return to Ladybird World unpacks the emotional, cultural and iconic power of a unique slice of visual history. For a generation of middle-aged adults, the lushly illustrated world of Ladybird brought education, the rush of collecting, and a utopian vision of middle-class life.


Varoom 24 Winter 2014, 64 pages, available in specialist bookshops and assorted news stands in the UK, Europe and other countries, retail price per issue £7, subscription (4 issues) £21 (outside UK £32).

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