Inside Illustration is a multi platform season for AOI Members focusing on a particular area of illustration for each Season.

The Editorial season includes a Podcast with a top New York Times art director and illustrator, a Creative Course for members, in-depth Article on motion work in editorial, Resource, a Guardian newspaper commissioner interview and a comprehensive ‘How To Get Into Editorial Illustration‘ guide publication for those interested in entering the editorial area.

Editorial Season

Podcast: Artist & Commissioner

Exploring the essential aspects of editorial illustration from both the commissioner and practitioner sides, the podcast examines the qualities that make excellent editorial images. With AD Corinne Myller and illustrator André Carrilho, hosted by Rachel Emily Taylor.

Article: Motion in Editorial

The expanding use of motion in online editorial is explored by Derek Brazell, talking to Art Directors from The New York Times and The Ethel, and motion illustrators Rami Niemi, Vidhya Nagarajan, Carl Burton, Nancy Liang and Erik Carter.

Resource: Editorial Illustration Basics

What are the basics you need to know about editorial illustration? In this resource Tess Redburn explores the industry, what you’ll need in your portfolio, licences and contracts and approaching art directors (and keeping them ‘sweet’).

Interview: AD Sarah Habershon

Sarah Habershon talks to Alix-Rose Cowie about her role as Art Director of G2 at The Guardian newspaper, the approach to take for the tone of the illustration, keeping a welcome sense of humour, and needing “an artist who will really understand the copy and get to the heart of the story”.

Creative Practice Course

Members recently had the opportunity to take part in this four-session creative course with Dave Bain and guest illustrators Kotryna Zukauskaite, Bett Norris (above), Sarah Tanat-Jones and Vanessa Lovegrove covering current affairs, lifestyle, food and portraiture in editorial.

How to get into Editorial Illustration

What are the essentials you need to know to get into editorial illustration? The How To covers what you need in your Portfolio; the different areas of editorial illustration; Editorial clients; Briefs, Deadlines and Fees plus Licensing and Contracts. With advice from illustrators working in Editorial.

Inside Illustration motion illustration by Yukai Du