Inside Illustration is a multi platform season for AOI Members focusing on a particular area of illustration for each Season.

The Site Specific season includes a Podcast with two mural artists, four session videos from the Creative Course for members, an Article on a range of applications of in situ illustration, a Basics Resource, interview with an expert and a comprehensive ‘How To Get Into Site Specific Illustration‘ guide publication on murals and more, with practical information and interviews.

Site Specific lllustration Season

Podcast: Murals with a mission

This episode explores the multiple aspects of murals with mural artists and illustrators Neequaye Dreph and Louis Michel – how they developed their work, advice for new muralists and more, hosted by Rachel Emily Taylor.

Article: Illustration in the Physical World

Working off the page at scale comes with big kicks, and also much to consider. Alix-Rose Cowie talks to Lena Yokoyama, Rick Berkelmans aka Hedof, and signwriter Hana Sunny on work for shops, pubs and malls that stops people in their tracks.

Resource: Site Specific Illustration

What are the basics you need to know about site specific illustration? This resource covers what you need in your portfolio, briefs, materials and process advice along with training, fees and time management for artwork in a particular place.

Interview: Better Letters’ Sam Roberts

Sam Roberts, founder of Better Letters, has been long immersed in the sign painting world, and he talks to Frances Moffatt about his involvement in sign painting, what makes a good sign painter and offers advice on what to do if you’re interested in exploring this area.

Creative Practice Course ~ Site Specific

Free four-session creative course for members with Dave Bain and guests, signwriter Hana Sunny, muralists Greg Stobbs, Will Redgrove and Mel Northover covering all aspects of murals and incorporating sign writing into your practice.

How to get into Site Specific Illustration

Get more than ‘the basics’ for what you need to know about to get into site specific illustration. The How To for members covers what you need in your Portfolio, Materials, Process, Training, Insurance, Clients, Briefs, Deadlines and Fees + more. With advice from experts.

Inside Illustration motion illustration by Yukai Du

World Illustration Awards 2024 – Longlist Announced!
The WIA2024 Call for Entries now closed. Thank you for entering!
Guide to Law & Business book
"An essential guide for all practicing illustrators" Purchase today!


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