Shrinky Dinks Summer Workshop by Westmount Art

Yellow Souls 10 Croall PL, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Westmount Art x Yellow Souls Shrinky Dinks Summer Workshops are coming! During the 2-hour workshop session, you will get: Information on earring design Learning new material and techniques Hands-on experience to make one pair of earrings from scratch Advice for future designs The class structure will be as follows: * 10 minutes: Introduction and discussion on shapes and colors in..

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Workshops at Atelier Rêve (Netherlands) with Naomi Vona

Atelier Rêve Stoofstraat 22, 5211 ER 's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands

AOI Member Naomi Vona will will be in Den Bosch inside Atelier Rêve for a series of workshops that will take place between this Thursday 25th and Sunday 28th of January 2024. The workshops will explore creating artworks for different applications, experimenting with collage and manipulating images to infuse deeper meanings and emotions. You can find more about each of..

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