WIA2024 Shortlist Showcase – Exploration Category Highlights

The Exploration Category this year has seen a wide range of projects and these are some of our favourites. We are sharing New Talent and Professional highlights as well as judges reflections and illustrator interviews.

This category is incredibly varied, highlighting expressive use of medium, texture and colour. As well as giving illustrators the opportunity to showcase personal stories and perspectives.

Xinyu Ma, Xin Meng
I am in Macau

Having lived and studied in the city of Macau for two years, Xinyu was touched and moved by Macau from the bottom of their heart. They felt that everyone has their own feelings when they come to a city, and compared to the glamour and glitz of Macau, the humanistic history of Macau is more dear to their heart.

Sophie Loren Moran
SMOOCH Magazine

SMOOCH Magazine was a personal project that was researched, written and illustrated by Sophie during her final year of university to push her design and editorial illustration skills.

It explores the topic of adopting animals, teaching children how the adoption process works, along with fun facts, stories of animals that have been adopted, activities and illustrations.

Gyayu Wang
A Childish Society

Gyayu uses children’s playfulness to turn the complex and stressful adult society into a naive utopia. Because they wanted to bring back the simplicity of childhood and dissolve the pressures of real life.

Meanwhile they also worked on childhood nostalgic textures to find visual memories of a distant yesterday and graphic based compositions through this series.

Alex Ram
Electric Vehicle Charging

Alex wanted to highlight the shift in personal transport away from petrol or diesel fuelled cars towards more sustainable and environmentally friendly electric powered vehicles.

A recent report by the UK Climate Change Committee found a transition to EVs could reduce greenhouse gas emissions from cars and vans by 55% by 2030.

“A lot of themes going on, making it almost a mosaic on the symbolism of censorship. The desert landscape, the blank book being read on repeat makes a very strong statement. Along with the fluid animation, this is one of my favourite pieces in the category.”

Olivia Skoglund- Exploration Category Judge

Giacomo Agnello Modica

Why did you choose to make this work?

Its a project I particularly had fun with: I love mythology as well as representing queer bodies and people so I sketched out a lot of character designs and shaped the Olympians in my personal way.

See the full project here

See the full interview here

Liz Wayant

Why did you choose to enter this work?

This was my favourite project of the year and I felt that it was a good representation of my work and style as an artist

See the full project here

See the full interview here

If you enjoyed reading this curated list, be sure to keep explore the rest of the WIA2024 Shortlist Showcase. We will be adding materials until September.

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