Yeon Gyong Joo

Un-commissioned | New Talent

Why did you make this work:
Orchestra intruments- the trumbone, the trumpet, the oboe, the piano etc.- make beautiful sound. You can imagine the shape of sound. It shows the sound of musical instruments as shape.

How was the illustration used:
chilren's book

How did you make this work:
It works riso printing and digital.

Commissioner Company :
Hansol Soobook Publishing

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I am an illustrator and designer living in Seoul, Korea. I love illustration and papers, and combining the two.Awards 2017 Bologna Illustrator, Bologna Children’s Book Fair, Italy 2017 Highly Commended, Macmillan Children’s Book Prize, UK 2012Exhibiton PLATE IT PLEASE! Exhibition, The Vista Alegre Museum, Portugal 2018 MA Degree Show, University of Brighton Gallery, Brighton, UK 2012 Participation at , Jeonju Seoshin Gallery, Korea 2002

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