Vencho Wang
The dreams we lost

Sometimes, we need to find the truth by reflecting on the dreams we lost as we grew up

Children's Publishing

Un-commissioned | Professional

How were your illustrations used? :
Book Cover/s, Book inside or spot illustration/s, Magazine or newspaper cover illustration, Magazine or newspaper inside or spot illustration/s, Print/poster or postcard, Self Promotion/portfolio

How did you make this work:
The pieces were done in watercolor and ink, and I used chopsticks instead of dip pens because I felt overwhelmed by the number of nibs available and didn't know which one to choose. Surprisingly, I found that chopsticks worked very well and have since decided to keep them as my important drawing tools.

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Cambridge School of Art

Currently Based:
United Kingdom (UK)

Vencho Wang is an author-illustrator based in London who completed her master's degree at the Cambridge School of Art. She primarily used watercolor for her drawings but has also developed her love for using chopsticks as painting tools. She has published several picture books, with clients including Dolphin Media and ARCE Junior Library.
