Shunsuke Satake
Onomatopoeia wooden toy

Design Product & Packaging

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
Wooden toy "Onomatopeia-moji-Asobi" released on October 27, 2020 by Kawai Musical Instruments Manufacturing Co. I was commissioned to create the illustration for it.

How was the illustration used:
Wooden toy

How did you make this work:
“Onomatope-Moji-Asobi" is based on the theme of "Onomatopoeia", which is gaining attention in early childhood education as a language that allows children to understand and express sounds, voices, movements and situations in a sensory manner. The materials used in this product are made of domestic wood and finished by craftsmen in Japan.

Commissioner Company :
Kawai Musical Instruments Manufacturing Co.

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