Sebastian König
All Of You

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
Music Video for the electronic musician "Billion One". I was allowed to do whatever I wanted to. I had the approach to adopt my illustration style to animation.

How was the illustration used:
The image is a still from a music video Link to video here:

How did you make this work:
A short sample at the end of the song is a whistle. I build up a story around that sound that is a journey through space and time, ending up in a local rough football match. I wanted to apply my typical rough and grainy style to the animation, so the video has a steady grain movement and is animated with a low framerate.

Commissioner Name :
Billion One
Commissioner Company :
Pegdoll Records
Commissioned for:
Billion One

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Sebastian is an Illustrator, Designer and Art Director from Hamburg. With two hearts beating inside, he is doing minimalistic typographic design as well as colorful and edgy illustration work. He is working on illustrations for magazines and agencies and is working on cultural design projects.
