Sandra Dieckmann

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
Harriet, the editor at Flying Eye Books, and myself talked about ideas for picture books in the beginning. It was a very playful start and we were considering different things I had written and bouncing ideas back and forward. When writing for a twelve spread picture book word count is limited and so the time for the narrative. Fitting text and pictures was a big learning curve.

How was the illustration used:
picture book

How did you make this work:
Leaf is created using an array of mixed media. I worked in pencil, pen, watercolour and gouache as well as ink. After I paint and draw all my elements the spreads were composed in Photoshop and cleaned up there. I really enjoy working in this collage way as it allows my maximum freedom and it's easy to make changes to colour and composition any time.

Commissioner Name :
Harriet Birkinshaw
Commissioner Company :
Flying Eye Books / Nobrow

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