Window of Opportunity

About the chances that global crises may offer


Commissioned | Professional

How were your illustrations used? :
Magazine or newspaper inside or spot illustration/s

How did you make this work:
Window of Opportunity is an illustration for the essay "Nothing can be taken for granted anymore" by Armin Nassehi about the chances that global crises may offer. It talks about the dichotomy of possible realignments while facing the unbearable situation of the war in Ukraine. The illustration was published in Der Spiegel in April 2022. It was created with brush on paper and digital colouration.

Commissioner Name :
Der Spiegel
Commissioner Company :
Spiegel-Verlag Rudolf Augstein GmbH & Co. KG

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Currently Based:

Pong are Anne Schuhmann and Till Christ, an illustration duo from Berlin. Having studied at Berlin Weißensee School of Art and The Royal College of Art in London, they mostly focus on illustration. Pong works with brush on paper while seeking visual twists. Their clients include Die Zeit, Der Spiegel, Rolling Stone Germany, Dummy magazine, Monopol Magazine, Greenpeace and Berlin State Museums.

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