Laura Wächter
Future Scenarios

A booklet on imaginative future scenarios beyond Dystopia.


Commissioned | Professional

How were your illustrations used? :
Magazine or newspaper inside or spot illustration/s

How did you make this work:
I was asked by TELOS Magazine to illustrate this inside booklet containing 7 different articles on alternative ways to imagine Future Scenarios, analyzing the plausible, the imaginable and the desirable. The authors dive into topics such as dystopias paralyzing us, or how projections of the Future can be heavily conditioned by present and past experiences.

Commissioner Name :
Javier Moya
Commissioner Company :
TELOS Magazine

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Currently Based:
United States of America (USA)

Born from a German father and a Spanish mother in 1987, I grew up in Andalucía (Spain). The work I feel more related to and most comfortable doing is the one that navigates between psychology, social issues and culture. I currently work internationally from my home studio in Virginia (USA), enjoying the natural beauty of the Appalachian mountains.
