Joe Gamble
Martha's Moths

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
Martha's Moths is a children's book published by Hato and written and illustrated by myself. Martha is the world's youngest moth collector. She has all except one in her otherwise complete collection. The story follows her on a trip far from home in search for the final one.

How was the illustration used:
Published children's book

How did you make this work:
The book has been published using the riso print technique, therefore the illustrations were created in such a way with this in mind. The combination of hand drawn illustration and collage, alongside the colours and delicate nature of riso printing breathed so much life into the book and the moths themselves, capturing the movement and flurry of these elegant insects.

Commissioner Name :
Ken Kirton
Commissioner Company :
Hato Press
Commissioned for:

Social Media:

Personal Website:
