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2024 | Longlist | Editorial
  • pronoun
  • Why did you create this work?
    Roots in colors was a proposal from my city hall, I live in the city of Sorriso, in the interior of Brazil. I am known here for producing a series of illustrations for books and illustrations focused on animation, and I was invited by the city hall to make a series of illustrations that represent my view of our city, I hope you love these illustrations in the same way I do them. I love.
  • How were your illustrations used?
    all 20 works will be transformed into an illustration book, and will also be printed for exhibition in the city's museum.
  • What materials and techniques did you use?
    Pencil drawing and digital painting
  • Was this project commissioned?
  • Commissioner Name
    City Hall of Sorriso
  • Commissioner Company
    City Hall of Sorriso
  • Commissioner Instagram
  • Who was the work commissioned for?
    for the entire population, especially the inhabitants of the city with a smile.
  • Personal Website or Portfolio Link
  • Instagram
  • Biography
    Lucas Henrique Ferreira is an illustrator and animator with over 7 years of experience. He was born in the interior of Brazil and built his career with great difficulty. Currently, he works especially with animation to pay the bills, but he dreams of working only with the production of original illustrations.
  • Where are you currently based?
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