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2024 | Longlist | Children's Publishing
  • pronoun
  • Why did you create this work?
    Being on maternity leave forced me to reassess the direction of my illustration practice which led to a whirlwind of experimentation with new techniques and styles. This project is the outcome of this process, and feels like the thing I have created that is most ‘me’. Inspired by my love of Halloween, I wanted to create a book that describes the exciting, haunted beauty of this time of year.
  • How were your illustrations used?
    There are 16 fully illustrated pages in the book, and I also created end-papers and a cover. As a self-published, personal project, I had total control over the whole book, and everything from the text to the book design were created by myself. This was important to me because I wanted to conclude my years of experimentation with an outcome of creative ownership.
  • What materials and techniques did you use?
    I always start out by sketching with a pencil in my sketchbook. I create all my own textures by hand through experimenting with ink, paint, pastels and anything else I can get my hands on. I then scan these into Photoshop and Procreate and use this to create my digital collages. I juxtapose the messy, uncontrolled textures with clean lines and cut-out shapes.
  • Was this project commissioned?
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  • Biography
    Hannah Megee is an illustrator, artist and writer from UK. After discovering an appetite for narrative art on her Fine Art degree she went on to complete a masters in Authorial Illustration at University College Falmouth. She has a wide and varied portfolio, but her main passion is writing and illustrating her own childrens' books. She is also a qualified art teacher.
  • Where are you currently based?
    United Kingdom (UK)
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