Elisa Seitzinger
The Symbolic Soul Tarot

a complete 78 arcana tarot deck with gold details to enlighten our inner path.

Design Product & Packaging

Commissioned | Professional

How were your illustrations used? :
Advertisement (online), Packaging design, Product design, Social Media Campaign

How did you make this work:
There is something magical about this Tarot deck, which is hard to convey with words. The symbolic soul is about Art, but not the Art that is beautiful and little else. It’s the Art that can shake our world, and make us see through the veil of our illusions, if only we would give it a chance. This deck is the Editor's Pick of a world leading Tarot company since 1987.

Commissioner Company :
Lo Scarabeo

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Currently Based:

Elisa Seitzinger is an awarded illustrator, among the most influential Italian illustrators according to Illustri Prize. Among her clients: La Repubblica, L’Espresso, Marie Claire, Rolling Stone, RAI, BBC, National Geographic, Warner Music Group, Adobe, Spotify, Apple Music, Alipay, Taschen, Einaudi, Feltrinelli, Mondadori, International Book Fair, Barilla, Bulgari, Ginori 1735, Etro.

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