Carlo Giovani
Jeremiah the Dragon

Jeremiah loves to read, but burns the books when gets emotional, so he goes on a quest for solution

Children's Publishing

Commissioned | Professional

How were your illustrations used? :
Book Cover/s, Book inside or spot illustration/s

How did you make this work:
All illustrations were made out of three-dimensional paper sculptures and photography. I'd like to get the book a real and dimensional feel, something dramatic that puts the children inside of the story.

Commissioner Name :
Elizabete Rosa Machado (publisher)
Commissioner Company :
The Poets and Dragons Society

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Currently Based:

Carlo Giovani is a Designer, Illustrator and book author. He has constantly researched different techniques and styles, combining them, in search of unusual and creative illustrations, mostly made on paper, a material that has a central space in the artist's style. Has received several international awards such as the Malofiej Infographics Award, W3 Award Show and the Cannes Lion.
