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2024 | Longlist | Publishing
  • Why did you create this work?
    Red Dress is a personal project where I explored innovative ideas for visual storytelling within the constraints of a short-format picture book. My focus was on understanding visual narration and how illustrations complement the layout. The inspiration behind this work was a desire to convey a narrative of loss. The piece takes the form of an accordion book with twelve full-colour pages.
  • How were your illustrations used?
    My illustrations for Red Dress are part of a personal project, self-published as an accordion book. This publication is accessible to audiences at various comics festivals and similar events worldwide.
  • What materials and techniques did you use?
    I began the creative process by sketching and jotting down rough ideas on paper. After a few weeks of brainstorming, I scanned the sketches and proceeded to illustrate using a Cintiq tablet in Photoshop. The final pages were arranged in Indesign, where I also designed the layout in conjunction with the narrative development.
  • Was this project commissioned?
  • Biography
    I am an illustrator based in Helsinki, with a focus on graphic novels and picture books. I enjoy working with digital media and experimenting with traditional techniques. My projects are about visual narration and character exploration. My goal is to create stories that resonate with people. I believe in the importance of storytelling and cherish the opportunity to bring my ideas to life.
  • Where are you currently based?

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Anna Sailamaaannasailamaa-reddress-image1
Anna Sailamaaannasailamaa-reddress-image2
Anna Sailamaaannasailamaa-reddress-image3
Anna Sailamaaannasailamaa-reddress-image4
Anna Sailamaaannasailamaa-reddress-image5