Alberto Casagrande
100 idee per l'Italia


Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
I was asked to create a cover and 10 spread illustrations for a special issue containing one hundred perspectives for 2021, on themes ranging from health to tech, from architecture to education. Art direction: Francesco Franchi

How was the illustration used:
The illustration were used on a special issue of weekly magazine D, included with the saturday edition of italian newspaper La Repubblica.

How did you make this work:
Digital technique

Commissioner Name :
Francesco Franchi (Art Director)
Commissioner Company :
La Repubblica
Commissioned for:
D La Repubblica

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Currently Based:

I live in Milan, where I work as illustrator for advertising, books, magazines, physical and digital media. Inspired by futurism, constructivism and mid-century modern, my illustrations are made of sharp shapes and harmonious curves, expressive letterforms, solid colors, clear-cut shadows, stripped-down palettes. Overlays and negative space are allies I often rely on.
