Alan Dunne
Christmas Stamps 2019 - An Post

Design Product & Packaging

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
I loved the challenge of creating something very different when asked to illustrate the Christmas stamps for An Post. What I particularly like about paper craft - the art form I used - is the textural, tactile and hand-made nature of the approach and what it brings to the image's design. It creates little shadows and highlights on the paper edging, imperfections and roughened surfaces.

How was the illustration used:
These were used as the 2019 Christmas stamps for Irish postal service (An Post). It total there were 6 stamp illustrations done in paper-craft dioramas that depicted Irish Christmas scenes. The stamps were sold in booklets which I also designed and illustrated.

How did you make this work:
The process involved cutting out scenes from coloured paper. They were then constructed into layered, theatrical set-like scenes, with back, middle, and foreground elements consisting of characters and props, which I carefully lit and photographed in my studio.

Commissioner Name :
Aileen Mooney
Commissioner Company :
An Post

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Currently Based:

Alan Dunne is an illustrator and author based in Ireland. He is passionate about vernacular design and uncovering stories through cultural historical archives. This is reflected in his heavily researched and considered comics, heritage-based commissions and through re-appropriation of vernacular graphics and typography in his practice. He teaches illustration at the National College of Art & Design, Dublin.
