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2021 | Longlist + Shortlist | Science & Technology

Why did you choose to enter this work?
I knew this project was good not so much because the artist or illustrator has talent, but rather because it is a natural manifestation of good conditions: Great ADs, nice theme, great author.

What’s your favourite thing about your shortlisted project?
The way it conveys both complexity and simplicity. It’s a rather a very complex subject, so I had to go all the way without summarizing too much its essence.

What excites you most about being shortlisted?
Well, these are the World Illustration Awards, the name itself does answer it, you are entering to a very hard-to-enter list, from people all over the world.

Where do you usually work?
Since the pandemic, I reorganized my studio. I work from home now. I try to make it as simple as it is, which is: the real studio is in my mind so I take that to every place.

How long did it take to complete your project?
2 weeks. The best part came at the very end. The idea of making simple independent compositions from the main piece, adding some musical notation, that was just a bliss.

What is your dream commission?
I do have a couple, but I don’t want to mention them as I feel I’ll jinx them. :)

What’s your favourite thing to draw?
I just want to convey abstractions. Just as writers aim for sensation that are not necessarily bound to words, the artist does aim for a similar path, which is not the image itself presented.

What is your best tip for other illustrators?
Take influences from other things rather than our own field: film, poetry, dance, friends. Take notes on painful moments. Enjoy life, keep taking notes.

What are your plans for the future?
Working on book projects and personal graphic novels.

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Daniel Liévano3AB5C2EF-F9A3-4DB1-8F0C-A1664D6E85C5
Daniel LiévanoBird 4-5