Cathy Fisher
Leaving Camp - The Panda's Child

A double-page spread illustration for a children's picture book

Children's Publishing

Commissioned | Professional

How were your illustrations used? :
Book inside or spot illustration/s

How did you make this work:
This artwork is a double-page spread for a picture book called The Panda's Child. The author, Jackie Morris, wrote this adventure story which is set in the past when villages were separated by topography. It’s about love, loyalty and connections with the natural world. In this image, the child in the story is watching the sleeping camp as he quietly sets free the captured animals.

Commissioner Name :
Janetta Otter-Barry
Commissioner Company :
Otter-Barry Books
Commissioned for:
Children's book publishers: Otter-Barry Books

Social Media:

Currently Based:
United Kingdom (UK)

Cathy Fisher grew up in a large family living in Bath. After studying Fashion Design, she taught in art schools in Britain, Seychelles and Australia; returning to Britain with her young family, illustrating picture books. Three of her books, Perfect, The Pond and The New Girl were long-listed for the CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal. She is currently working on two new picture books.
