Mariana Rio
Lettuce Get in Trouble

Meet Sara Little, a trouble maker of the best sort

Children's Publishing

Commissioned | Professional

How were your illustrations used? :
Book inside or spot illustration/s

How did you make this work:
I decided to accept the challenge of this commission because I found the legacy of Sara Little, a designer, teacher, and an observer, an inspiration. During several months, I worked with the book team, based in Seattle, while I was in Oporto. The final object is a book that will let people understand design, observing the world around them, asking questions, and planning to create new things.

Commissioner Name :
Center for Design Books
Commissioner Company :
Center for Design Institute
Commissioned for:
Work commissioned by Charles Kim consulting Center for Design Institute, Seattle.

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto

Currently Based:

Mariana Rio is an illustrator based in Oporto, where she was born in 1986 and graduated in 2008. In her studio, she spends her days creating illustrations, having published more than ten picturebooks. Over a decade, her work has been recognised namely by the Bologna Children’s Book Fair Illustrators Exhibition, CJ Picture Book Awards. In 2021, she won the Baba Kamo Award for Illustration.
