Stano Xie
Short Stories of Tang Dynasty

Un-commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
Classic Chinese short fictions derives from Tang Dynasty. I always find them fascinating and once reading, my mind couldn’t help roving along with the ghosts, gods and love stories. I pick three of them to start my project, where you can find an Odyssean legend, a romantic story and a zen fable I relish the most.

How was the illustration used:
I made them partly for fun and partly for exploring digital collage ways for illustration.

How did you make this work:
I paint the elements on Shuen paper and combine them on computer like digital collage.

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Currently Based:

Stano Xie graduated with a BA in Slovakia language and MA in International Politics. Working as a book editor of history and social science for more than 10 years, a translator and meanwhile an illustrator for Havard Business Review (Chinese version), Sanlian Life Weekly and many books.
