The Red and Green Village

Children's Publishing

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
My dream of illustrating books for children came true when the publisher TCHARAN invited me to illustrate my first book, and it's a beatifull story about the value of tolerance and understanding of others by Paulo M. Morais. A new family arrives at this village that was divided by the colors red and green and disruptes it's day to day life.

How was the illustration used:
A book

How did you make this work:
I like to embrace the opportunity of random and chance by mixing many different materials withou fully know the end result, so these illustrations were created with pencil, guache, acrylic, markers, oil pastels and collages on paper, providing a great diversity of shades of the same color and rich textures.

Commissioner Name :
Marta Madureira and Adélia Carvalho
Commissioner Company :
Commissioned for:
A portuguese publishing house TCHARAN

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Currently Based:

Sandra Sofia Santos is a portuguese graphic designer completing her Master's in Illustration. Her work is strongly influenced by folklore with a special focus on Portuguese popular art. Through mixed techniques she creates naive and full of contrast worlds. Intense blacks and bold colors sing wildly while tense lines dance with organic shapes giving her images an intense graphic vibration.
