Harlow & Gilston Garden Town

Science & Technology

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
This illustration seeks to develop the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town narrative into a visual diagram in order to spatially communicate the garden town vision and celebrate the area’s existing identity and ambitious future. The image promotes sustainability, healthy lifestyles, landscaping, and the arts, particularly sculpture, which was an integral part of the Gibberd vision.

How was the illustration used:
Banners, consultation events, website, and marketing material

How did you make this work:
Digital hand drawing - with a Wacom Cintiq

Commissioner Name :
Anna Rowell
Commissioner Company :
Epping Forest District Council on behalf of Harlow & Gilston Garden Town

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Currently Based:
United Kingdom

Missbermi is an illustrator based in London. She was trained as an Architect in Spain, in the Higher Technical School of Architecture of San Sebastian. She specialises in the built environment. She spends most of her time helping architects and designers visualizing places and bringing ideas to life. She likes making people smile with her work.
