Summer Macon
Up and Down Mum

Children's Publishing

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
The wonderful people at Child's Play chose me to illustrate their picture book (my first picture book!). I was very excited to have an opportunity to bring more awareness about living with a bipolar family member. I lost my siblings to mental illness in 2016-2017 and have committed my life to helping others understand or cope with mental illness disorders.

How was the illustration used:
These illustrations are used in a picturebook titled Up and Down Mum by Child's Play.

How did you make this work:
All illustrations within this book were drawn digitally on my iPad Pro using the Procreate app.

Commissioner Name :
Child's Play
Commissioner Company :
Child's Play

Social Media:

Personal Website:
Agent Website:

Currently Based:
United States

Summer grew up in an itty bitty town in Southern New Mexico. She quickly earned the nickname “Tiger” as this is how she would sign her homework among the many doodles she added. Now days, she goes by her real name and lives in an even smaller itty bitty town (population 32) in beautiful Colorado. She loves rock climbing, mountain biking and paddle boarding. And she still doodles!
